Mutoh ValueJet 1324 x

The amazing performance of the VJ - 1324 X is possible thanks to a piezoelectric print head with variable drop control. This 1440 nozzle print head comprises four chromatic sections, each one with 360 nozzles, or two rows of 180 nozzles per color. As all sections of color are United in a single head, they are not necessary cumbersome routines of calibration between heads. The print head is capable of producing drops of ink from 3.5 to 35 pl. In short, it can produce a wider range of points are injected at a speed far superior compared with other printheads on the market. The result is higher print speeds and much higher print quality. The ValueJet 1324 X incorporates award-winning printing technology Intelligent Interweaving (i²) mutoh, that allows a drastic reduction or even an elimination of the typical difficulties inherent in printing ink jet digital conventional, horizontal bands and bands of mismatch effects visible from clogged injectors or that function badly. One of the main advantages of this unique Mutoh printing technology is offering a quality print predictable and repeatable, thus offering a level of unprecedented tranquillity to the printer operator. ValueJet printer users will be able to print images with perfect quality adjusted to your application at any time and in the shortest possible time. Get effortless quality without compromises in any support that load in your VJ - 1324 X, from thin blue paper to thick sheets of PVC technology patented DropMaster of Mutoh and uniform print. DropMaster, developed specifically for the latest generation of Mutoh ValueJet models, is a revolutionary technique for automation of printing that avoids the need for cumbersome and tedious adjustments of the head according to the employee support. Knowing the thickness of bracket and, accordingly, the projection of drops distance between the print head and the surface of the bracket, DropMaster is able to recalculate and adjust automatically the times of uni/bi-directional projection, regardless of the resolution and print speed. To carry out the work VJ - 1324 printer X offers a wide range of modes and printing speeds. Here are the most common, with which you can get an impeccable print quality. High quality: 720 x 1440 DPI: 3.9 m²/h Production of quality: 720 x 1080 DPI: 7.9 m²/h Fast production: 720 x 720 dpi: 16.4 m²/h Ready for high-volume productions
Disponible en 5 días Laborables
Sales Price (taxes included):EUR 10,877.90